Album: Tone of Voice Orchestra

“A refreshing and openminded cross-fertilization of jazz, folk, world and pop.”” - Kim Skotte

Politiken ❤️❤️❤️❤️(DK)

A very impressive start to a multifaceted dynamic that seems to easily sit between the contemporary and past” - Dominic Valvona


An original idea (…) and better still it works splendidly ” - Klaus Lyngaard i Weekendavisen

— Weekendavisen(DK) (limited access)

Lyrics are whip smart, witty and surprising.(…) creative and sonically complex (….) It is truly fresh, energizing and has lush textures and beats.(…) It’s pop music for grown ups. Adult but playful. I’ll take some of that” - Martha Willette Lewis

Rootsworld Magazine (USA)

This veteran reviewer has never heard an album or indeed a band quite like the eponymous Tone of Voice Orchestra (…) an extraordinary debut release from a refreshing unorthodox collective.” - Tony Hillier

— Rhythms (print only) (Australia)

Superb musicianship all round.(…) The dynamics of the music are especially captivating, including some lovely moments of quietude and intimacy ”

— Jazz Journal (UK) (print only)

transcends times, worlds and genres as a roaring dance of timelessly compelling diversity and lively intensity. ”

— Jazz Podium (Germany) (print only)

“The music on this self titled album is deeply original. “” - Ivan Rod

— ★★★★★ GAFFA (DK) (limited access)

“Something Special (…) a sound and a constellation very much their own (...)
beautiful, complex yet simple melodies(...) a wonderful album!”


Cover Photo: Karin Rørbech

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